Mudavattukal Kilangu
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Mudavattukal Kilangu

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Original price was: ₹399.00.Current price is: ₹149.00.

Mudavattukal Kilangu | Aatukaal Kizhangu

Brand : Nattu Marunthu 

Weight : 1 Kg

Price : 149.00 INR

Overview :

One such root is the Mudavattukal Kilangu also known as Oak Fern, which has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years to help with joint and bone health, as well as to promote healthy skin and boost the immune system.

Mudavattukal Kilangu

Original price was: ₹399.00.Current price is: ₹149.00.

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Mudavattukal Kilangu | Aatukaal Kizhangu

No surprise that our ancestors were so strong and healthy and that could be attributed to their choice of food. Herbs when consumed at regular intervals, strengthens us to become sturdy! Most of the medicinal values rich herbs are found in hilly terrains. The access to such rare species of food varieties is no longer inaccessible! With open arms, we introduce to you our new product Aatukaal Kizhangu from Kolli Hills, that has medicinal benefits in curing most of your body ailments like joint pain by it’s abundant healing nature. A life to lead under nature’s nourishment is a boon to mankind.

Note: The Product can be used for up to six months.

Benefits of Mudavattukal Kilangu : 

  1. Relieves joint pain
  2. Connect joint tissues
  3. Strengthens bones
  4. Reduces blood sugar levels
  5. Natural pain killer
  6. Reduces bacterial inflammation
  7. Relieves throat infection
  8. Reduces oxidative stress
  9. Maintains heart health
  10. Detox liver

முடவாட்டுக்கால் கிழங்கு பயன்கள் :

முடவாட்டுக்கால் கிழங்கு தளர்ந்த வயதிலும் கால் தடி ஊன்றி நடக்கும் வயதில் உள்ளவர்களுக்கும் எலும்புகளுக்கு பலத்தைக் கொடுத்து கால்களை உறுதியாக்கும்.

எலும்பு மூட்டுகளுக்கு இடையே உள்ள மஜ்ஜையை நன்கு உறுதியாக வளர்க்கவும் அதிகரிக்க செய்யவும் இந்த முடவாட்டுக்கால் கிழங்கு பயன்படுகிறது.

மூட்டு வலி முதல் முடக்கும் முடக்குவாதம் வரை அனைத்தையும் தீர்க்கும் அருமருந்து – முடவாட்டுக்கால் கிழங்கு .

Mudavattukal Kilangu Soup Recipe :

One such root is the Mudavattukal Kilangu also known as Oak Fern, which has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years to help with joint and bone health, as well as to promote healthy skin and boost the immune system.

Preparation Timing : 20 Mint, 3-5 Persons

Ingredients for Mudavattukal Kilangu Soup Recipe :

  1. 1/2 kg Mudavattukal
  2. 1/2 spoon black pepper
  3. 1/2 spoon fennel seeds
  4. 1/2 spoon Jeera
  5. 1 fine chopped onion
  6. 1 fine chopped tomatoes
  7. Salt to taste
  8. 1/2 spoon coconut oil
  9. 5-10 pods garlic (I used single garlic)
  10. 1/2 spoon ginger paste
  11. 1/2 spoon turmeric
  12. Handful chopped fresh coriander leaves

Mudavattukal Kilangu Soup Cooking Instructions :

  1. 1. Clean the mudavattukal like ginger
    2. Grind all the above mentioned spices
    3. Then add the mudavattukal kizhangu pieces
    4. Again make fine paste
    5. In a pan add oil, fry onion, tomatoes, add some ginger garlic paste sauté it well until raw smell goes away
    6. Once it becomes smashed
    7. Add the ground paste sauté it well
    8. Add turmeric
    9. Add water how much u need
    10 boil it well, chk salt
    11. Finally add chopped coriander

Weight 1000 g

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    Quick delivery, cheapest rate for other websites, fresh and tenderness

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